Living Room lighting

The Living Room… a place where lighting this room plays an important role in any house.

And especially more so in a fancy house. Let us view a normal size living room, with a center table and two long sofas laid out, just touching each other at the corners. Now there can be a corner table also on which can be placed a dainty lamp, or two. Then beside the ends of the two sofas should again be a pair of similar side tables on which the same dainty lamps should be placed. Take care that you have the same design on all the three (sets) of lamps. On the remaining place, there can be placed several different objects, as per your wish. Next we will come to the main lighting. This should ideally be a chandelier hanging from the roof made of several lamps.

If you do not want a chandelier, you can buy one which has a fan attached to it, with lights shining below it. Or you can always go back to the wall to wall concealed lighting in which case you may have to spend a lot more than just the cost of the lamps, for it would need a false ceiling also. Now this type of design is more contemporary than any other, as it will make your living room more modern, especially if your choice of the colour of the walls, curtains, upholstery on the sofas, wooden polish on the cabinets built in the room are all matching. Then you can add some photographs or oil paintings to your living room also which can be highlighted by lamps. Or, the best arrangement can be in a shade of neon blue lighting in a concealed ceiling.

This can be done by lighting up the room by a shade of blue as well as the golden lighting around it. The huge room has got support from the pillars inside the living room. The arrangement of the furniture in this room has only enhanced the looks of the room, with leather settees being placed and a small circular center table with a candle stand on it. Or if you want to enjoy being outdoors, just paint or wallpaper your wall to give it a look of the scenery outside, with proper lighting.
